Monday, November 3, 2014

FYI November Highlights

It's fortunate enough that for TV addicts like Paul and myself we can relax and get inspired at the same time and for crafts (writing for me and photography for Paul) inspiration is always important. 

It's a good thing that there is a network like FYI which offers shows that can get you inspired to work on your own little projects or craft; whether it is re-decorating that cluttered room which you've always told yourself you'd do (but never actually got around to doing) or trying out that recipe you saw online weeks ago. Whenever you feel like your stuck in a rut or need a little boost to start on that little project of yours then watching a few programs on FYI will definitely give you that much needed inspiration. 

Here are some new shows to watch out for on FYI this November! 

Bondi Vet Season 5

For pet owners and pet lovers, their pets give them that love and inspiration that helps them get through the day. Whether you are watching Bondi Vet for the cute pets and animals or the cute vet - Dr. Chris Brown you would be glad to know that new episodes are coming this November on FYI. 

Epic Meal Empire 

Paul has been telling me a lot about Epic Meal Time which he and office mates have already been watching on YouTube; after all boys will be boys and their appetites will always be proof of that. They've been dreaming of doing their own spin, in EMT (Epic Meal Time) recipes from youtube, but haven't gotten together due to schedule, budget and oven restrictions. For now, they'll have to settle with Angel's Burger massacre (an instant concoction of quick orders from the cheapest burger place in the Philippines).

These guys create everything from whiskey-laced burger stuffed lasagna a to donuts casseroles (I'm already drooling) to Jack and Coke cupcakes. These folks from the Epic Meal Empire team delivers recipes that are visually mind-blowing spins on food preparation and presentation. 

The new FYI series will follow the group as they invent spectacular new dishes and bring them to a whole new epic level. Epic Meal Empire will premiere on Nobvember 20. 

Red Hot Design 

You can never get enough of design make-over shows and I think that's because there is always that charm in rags to riches or maybe more appropriately shambles to shimmering make overs and design make-overs always give that inspiration that we can do it as well. 

Unleash the creative potential of your home with the help of this fiery new series. Red Hit Design is hosted by celebrated interior designer and fiery redhead Shasta Smith. 

Shasta is also known as the Queen of up-scaling, witness as she and her team take on 2 awe-inspiring design projects each week. 

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