Thursday, October 2, 2014

Project 365: April 2014

Continuation of project 365 for April has 30 days, and we'll have 30 images captured on each day in the order they have been taken.  Some have stories, some have meaning, some have thoughts and some may have none. Either way, an image a day is what I commit to and thus have delivered for months (much)later.

Project365|2014 Day 91
Day 91(2014) - Blue meets yellow
Project365|2014 Day 92
Day 92(2014) - Shining through
Project365|2014 Day 93
Day 93(2014) - Oldest building in Ortigas
Project365|2014 Day 94
Day 94(2014) -  Insect bite

Project365|2014 Day 95
Day 95(2014) - Close to you

Project365|2014 Day 96
Day 96(2014) - Chance passenger

Project365|2014 Day 97
Day 97(2014) - Sofia and Jonas
Project365|2014 Day 98
Day 98(2014) - Cold tea and books

Project365|2014 Day 99
Day 99(2014) - What it looks like in the evening

As the days go on, we tend to chase after our own dreams, but sometimes we only go after our ghosts or shadows.  In my case, it leads me back to what I usually shoot or shot.  It's nice to see some improvements, added thought process, but I still see myself doing something else.  

In hind sight I guess the past months are preparing me for something unforeseen in the future.  We have yet to find out about it, thus I keep on shooting.  

Project365|2014 Day 100
Day 100(2014) - Double trouble

Project365|2014 Day 101
Day 101(2014) - Haircut

Project365|2014 Day102
Day 102(2014) - Chiaroscuro
Project365|2014 Day103
Day 103(2014) - Band rehearsal

Project365|2014 Day 104
Day 104(2014) - On the side table

Project365|2014 Day 105
Day 105(2014) - Don't lose your head
Project365|2014 Day 106
Day 106(2014) - Gift

Project365|2014 Day 107
Day 107(2014) - On long hallways

Project365|2014 Day 108
Day 108(2014) - Shower head

As I proceed and pursue my journey of learning, I still continue to try out a few things that I wouldn't normally do despite struggling with getting a few things right.  Another struggle is when I get lazy and don't feel like shooting(this happens A LOT!).  Laziness is a hard demon to battle, and every waking day when I don't have any gigs or events to shoot, I tend to do something else. 

Project365|2014 Day 109
Day 109(2014) - To greater heights
Project365|2014 Day 110
Day 110 (2014) - Shooting video
Project365|2014 Day 111
Day 111(2014) - Dear kit lens
Project365|2014 Day 112
Day 112(2014) - Someone else's camera
Project365|2014 Day 113
Day 113(2014) - Getting a ride

Project365|2014 Day 114
Day 114(2014) - Chaos in the midst of traffic
Project365|2014 Day 115
Day 115(2014) - Small details

Project365|2014 Day 116
Day 116(2014) - Through the window
Project365|2014 Day 117
Day 117(2014) - Summer's reminder
Project365|2014 Day 118
Day 118(2014) - The old kit
Project365|2014 Day 119
Day 119(2014) - Instant Yakisoba

Project365|2014 Day 120
Day 120(2014) - Waiting for the bank to open

Luckily I was able to overcome my laziness and went on continued shooting. This will be an ongoing struggle all through out the year as it haunted me last year, and chases me to this day.

For me, we cannot improve, if we allow ourselves to drop our guard and become lazy.  Nothing would come of it we didn't do anything.  As one of my co-workers said-'keep'moving forward'. 

Thus concludes my entry-for April at least. 

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