Saturday, February 18, 2017

PHOTOGRAPHY: Why Project Print 365

Back in 2014 I worked and completed project 365. What is project 365? Its a year long project that requires you to shoot daily and produce one image.  It helped a lot and people saw some improvement.

The project helped me improved, in getting the desired exposure, composition(sometimes), post processing and uploading in a timely manner. Often times I find myself dissatisfied with my outputs, but I lived with it and rolled with the punches and found that I completed the project to my surprise.

This 2017, I'll be working on project print 365. This time I'll be completing the process as I would be printing out my work every end of the month(once I have proper funds to do so).  So each day I'll be shooting, and will choose 1 image for print.

Although I won't be posting every single image everyday,(sorry guys) I'll  go for a monthly post on what I've done, the challenges, theme and what not. Will probably upload a few shots on the post and in the Facebook page, but that'll be it.

So far I have completed January, which produced 31 prints. So let's see how this goes....

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