With fellow shutterbug Pogs Francisco |
While Paul wasn't really sure on what to blog about during the Digital Photographer Philippine's 7th Anniversary since he was not really able to take advantage of the whole event because we had to rush to Marikina in the afternoon to cover a car show, I will do my best to write down a few thoughts on the event, even if this niche is entirely his.
I think what attracted us to attend the event or to at least even check it out was that it was a whole day jam packed with photography related activities. There would be booths, displays and lectures from admired photographers and the best thing about it? Everything was for FREE!!!
While 'free everything' was a phrase that would certainly attract the hundreds upon thousands of photographers, amateur, hobbyist and professionals alike. It was really a good gathering of people who share the same passion for photography. It was also a good place to have gear envy. Yup! 'Gear Envy' is a thing ladies and gentlemen and my husband has it. Paul showed me once a hilarious article about how it is to date and to be with a Photographer and one of those is that they don't get 'other guy package envy' but they get 'gear envy' instead and being at the Digital Photographer Philippines 7th Anniversary block party was a sure way of getting overdosed with it.
Aside from the mouth-watering displays you would also come across fellow shutterbugs who have the camera body or lens that you would just kill for but of course instead of being a green-eyed monster throughout the event you can just take it as a chance to learn from industry experts and from fellow enthusiasts.
Digital Photographer Philippines is the country's leading photography magazine and together with Industry giants in the world of photography have organized this event and block party for all the enthusiasts out there and apparently there are a lot - given the huge turn out of shutterbugs during the event.
There were long lines to be conquered, freebies to be acquired, knowledge to be learned and prizes to be won no matter how slim the chance.
Models. Models. Models. Yup there were definitely a lot of those. |
Models and Photography go hand in hand and in a way what is beautiful (skin deep or otherwise) is always coupled with a camera clicking away. So yes, there were a lot of models walking around being followed and photographed in an almost papparazi like fashion but hey what do you expect right? This is a Photography event and there is such a thing as a 'wall of photographers'.
Yup. Even Iron Man had to keep cool somehow. |
There were cosplayers during the event as well as cars on display to give the shutterbugs a lot of practice with taking photos. I just love the photo above since it says so much, I think the thought of Iron Man using an umbrella as shade from the summer sun is absolutely hilarious.
Sunlight through the rails. |
One particular challenge of that day was the heat. It was scourging to the point of putting all attendees at high risk of dehydration and heat stroke. The down side to having the event in an open area was having to walk to and fro under the almost palpable heat of the sun. As I was personally walking around, the thought of a cool mall instead often crossed my mind.
Colorful tripods on display. |
Shooting the Shooters. While they were all busy taking photos of the models I took photos of them. What do you expect in a photography event right? |
There were a lot of photographers that we admire who were at the event and even I wasn't able to have my Geekology book signed by Sir Jay Tablante T__T - I brought it along with a pentle pen - I got to see Sir Jim Paredes ^_^ I wasn't able to get a picture with him though since Paul wasn't with me at the time.
The event was held at 9th Ave. Bonifcaio Highstreet.
Phottix booth and some cars on display. |
It was so hot that day it was almost tempting to jump in the water. |
Hopefully we'll be more prepared next year with a clean schedule (no shoots, gigs whatsoever) and cash so we can buy some goodies :) It was a good first time experience and definitely looking forward to more photography events in the future.
Haha thanks Pogs! :)