I know I said I haven't been writing as much book reviews as I would like so I'm making a point to start getting back to writing book reviews. I've already finished a bunch of books but instead of stopping to write reviews I would move on to the next book. So while I've already finished reading most of these books, some I've already read months back I can still recall my thoughts and opinions on each book. :)
First up on the to-write-book review list is Stephen King's Under The Dome - I guess I want to start by saying that there are some books that I read when I have nothing to do, like before going to sleep or when I'm waiting in line but there are some books that I really make time to finish, the kind of books that once you are hooked on you sit on bed, with the television off, the computer off and you just find yourself going through page after page until you've already read about 200+ pages without even noticing the time and Under the Dome is one of those books.
I clearly remember nights where I would be sitting on bed furiously reading through the book, being totally engrossed by it.
Well before I go into my thoughts on the book let me tell you first how we first met. :)

When I got a gift certificate for Fully Booked from my Ninang Joy for my birthday I immediately thought about what titles to buy. I originally intended to buy one of the Young Adult titles on my to-read list but when I got to Fully Booked I saw this really really thick book (think 3 encyclopedias) by Stephen King entitled Under The Dome.
I've already mentioned in my blog posts that Paul and I are big Stephen King fans , we've read his books, watched movies based on these books and even bought the Kingdom Hospital (TV Series) DVD Box Set - King was a producer on this series (although that was dissapointment since it wasn't as good as we'd hoped).
I picked up (with much effort) - the 1,074 page book and I knew I was going home with it.
Just like other of Stephen King's books, Under The Dome takes place in a small sleepy town (in Maine) and where unsuspecting evil works up in a big dramatic climax that leaves a town with (SPOILERS) a record breaking death toll (even higher than Carrie).
But unknown to most people even before 'The Dome' (an invisible force field) descends on Chester's Mill cutting it off from the rest of the world, there is already much evil and corruption brewing in their supposedly sleepy town.
Now a reluctant hero in the form of former Iraq soldier turned-short order cook Barbie (yes, his name is Barbie) along with his rag-tag team of some of the town's constituents take on a force none of them could ever fathom.
While reading 'Under The Dome' I found myself remembering another of Stephen King's books - 'Needful Things' I thought of the latter because of the huge cast of characters that Stephen King has but he is able to orchestrate through them like a seasoned maestro, he knows each section, each character and he is able to have them play all together and come up with the perfect harmony and music.
Stephen King is such a master story teller that he can even tell a chapter through a dog's perspective but it would still read like a masterpiece. He jumps from character to character and is able to narrate a beautiful story without having to sound like a diary.
I really admire how unforgiving and gutsy Stephen King is when it comes to the demise and fates of his characters. I think he and George R.R. Martin are now infamous with how they kill off their characters - there is no rest for the wicked and let's just say that the death toll in Under The Dome is unrivaled, the shock factor is always there and will have you gasping and shaking your head at every turn of a page.
One thing that did bother me about Under The Dome (SPOILERS) would be the actual origin of The Dome - leather heads and aliens are really not my cup of tea, they sort of remind me of Ancient Aliens on History. Aside form this the book is a big page turner and I also love the lessons that come with it - yes it's not all about conspiracy, corruption, blood and gore there are actually subtle lessons within the text of the novel such as environmental, religious and the human dynamics of kindness and cruelty.
I loved reading Under the Dome so much going through the 1,074 page novel was a breeze.
Even if I'm already finished with the book I'm still exited - why? Because there is a TV Series out right now based on the book! :)
Stephen King is a producer of the series and it has already been renewed for a next season. It premiered last June on CBS.
Looking at the trailer of the TV Series below I can already tell that it is different from the book. Since some supposed characters who were already dead within 10 pages of the book are still very much alive at points in the story where they were already supposedly dead.
The TV series is loosely based on the book, although still having the same characters, 'some of the characters are combined or have different jobs'.
I haven't seen the first episode yet, but a quick research shows that the first episode was met with good reviews and high ratings, however towards the 8th episode ratings have declined.
The show has already been renewed for a second season and I'm only hoping that people would give the series a chance especially since Stephen King has said that the writers are re-imagining the origin of The Dome.
Check out the trailer of Under The Dome below! And Tweet @_FullyBooked to check on availability on copies of the book! :)
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