Sunday, February 12, 2017

Movie Review: The Lego Batman Movie

There are a but a few iconic characters who have stood the test of time, have had countless incarnations and is beloved by generations-and Batman is without a doubt one of them. 

Created by Bob Kane and  Bill Finger and making his debut in 1939- that's 78 years ago! Bruce Wayne's alter-ego is one of the most recognized characters in history. So much so that we have even attributed the saying "Bahala na si Batman" in our colloquial language to him.  The saying of course, is often used when all hope is lost and only someone as awesome as Batman can get you out of impossible situations. 

So it was no doubt that Lego Batman (voiced  by Will Arnett) became a fan favorite, fans loved him, ego and metal music and all, despite his minor role in the (2014) hit "The Lego Movie" and it was a no brainer that the caped crusader would soon be the lead of his own Lego Movie thus the "The Lego Batman Movie"

In following with the now tradition of Lego Movies' of out of this world, in your face humor, "The Lego Batman Movie" is unlike any Batman movie-ever. It is one which children will enjoy and adults (no matter the age) will love as well.

From the first seconds of the movie (yes, even the logos) to the last second it is one whirlwind ride of laughs and tugging at heart strings, playing on the Batman lore and legend, giving nods to the long legacy that is Batman, whether in the comic books, the Television shows or the movies. 

Will Arnet's Batman is unapologetic in taking jabs at characters within the DC Universe and even characters that are not in their property - oh yes, they went there and it was hilarious. I swear, we were laughing so hard in the cinema, I think we were the loudest in there. 

I think what I liked best about the movie is that, yes you expect the film to be hilarious but what I did not expect was the surprise lessons that even the Dark Knight has to learn and they were some really emotional moments in the film and no, its not just the pregnancy hormones but you know I really felt for Batman. His reluctance of working in a team, his fear of being part of a family, all of it really pulls at you but of course its a Lego Movie so its still funny how everything falls together.  

I will also have to say, that the surprise look into the Joker and Batman "relationship" just had me cracked up laughing. These two have a very complicated hero-enemy "thing" going on and it was hilarious to look at it from a different angle. Really-my tummy was hurting from all the laughing. I would have wanted a crazier Zach Galifianakis as the Joker but was very happy with Micheal Cera's Robin. I was very much impressed with the voice work that he did. He does not sound like himself at all! 

Lego Alfred (Ralph Fiennes), is also my favorite Alfred-ever!!! 

The whole movie is filled with an all star cast of voices, that you would just geek over, trying to figure out, who is voicing who. 

Speaking of geeking out-there are also dozens of amazing cameos in the film, and we're not just talking about DC characters (wink, wink). 

8/10 The Lego Batman Movie is a treasure trove of super hero and pop culture references that every geek would love. It is a crazy, hilarious adventure as expected with some warm hugs here and there. 

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